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Hotline:+0086 571 8620 8669

Phone :+0086 571 8620 8669

Address:Hangzhou Yuhang Economic and Technological Development Zone

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Self Retracting Lifeline

10 Meter Webbing Style Self Retracting Lifeline Cheap Price

Time:2024-07-02 15:48 Click:133

China 10 Meter Webbing Style Self Retracting Lifeline Price

A cheap and high-quality high-altitude safety speed difference anti fall device

(Z-J-10) webbing Self Retracting Lifeline

Purpose: Used for fall protection of working platform less than 10m

Length :10m

Technical parameters: impact load less than 6kN

The fall distance was less than 2m

Implementation standard :GB 24544-2009

Energy absorber: Built-in buffer

Safety rope: lifeline webbed with ultra high molecular weight polyeth

ylene fiber (Dinima) material, webbed width is not less than 20mm,

thickness is not less than 1.8mm

Connector: Self-locking swivel safety hook with fall indicator

Shell: High strength, high quality plastic

webbing Safety lifelines are usually woven from materials such as polyester fibers. webbing anti fall devices are suitable for situations that require positioning and lightweight structure, such as decoration, installation, and outdoor exploration. The webbing Fall arrester is easier to maintain and replace, and the cost of use is also lower.


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